Which Way is Up?


Eat, Play, Love

As most of you know, we began this blog for two reasons: 1) to expand the kids’ horizons, open their minds and introduce them to other foods and cultures, and 2) to chronicle pieces of our family life, so the kids will always have these stories and memories. So this post, will focus on the life side of things; and it might explain our hiatus.

As we know life is full of ups and downs. First the down – because it must be written, for the kids.

When we returned home from our trip, the day we returned home, we lost Charlie, our 11-year old kitty to a stroke. Needless to say, it is not what we expected to come home to after two weeks of making glorious memories. We had Charlie before the kids were born and have so many wonderful memories with this little, crazy guy. He was…

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